<< nn-experiments

variational auto-encoder on RPG Tile dataset

There is a deep love/hate relationships with neural networks. Why the heck do i need to train a small network like this

model = VariationalAutoencoderConv(
    shape=(3, 32, 32), channels=[16, 24, 32], kernel_size=5,

optimizer = Adam(model.default_parameters(), lr=.0001, weight_decay=0.000001)

for 10 hours and it still does not reach the optimum?

loss plots

And how could one tell after 30 minutes where this is going to go? The plot shows the l1 validation loss (right) over 1700 epochs! Why does this network need to look at things 1700 times???

Well, it's a complicated dataset, for sure.


But i feel there is something wrong in the method. This backpropagation gradient descent, although mathematically grounded, feels like a brute-force approach.

comparing different datasets

The rpg tile dataset is now fixed to 47579 training and 2505 validation grayscale images at 32x32 pixels. Running the following experiment to compare with the "classic" datasets:

trainer: src.train.TrainAutoencoder

  - "mnist"
  - "fmnist"
  - "rpg"

experiment_name: vae/base28_${matrix_slug}

train_set: | 
      "mnist": mnist_dataset(train=True, shape=SHAPE),
      "fmnist": fmnist_dataset(train=True, shape=SHAPE),
      "rpg": rpg_tile_dataset_3x32x32(validation=False, shape=SHAPE),

validation_set: |
      "mnist": mnist_dataset(train=False, shape=SHAPE),
      "fmnist": fmnist_dataset(train=False, shape=SHAPE),
      "rpg": rpg_tile_dataset_3x32x32(validation=True, shape=SHAPE)

batch_size: 64
learnrate: 0.0003
optimizer: Adam
scheduler: CosineAnnealingLR
max_inputs: 1_000_000

  SHAPE: (1, 28, 28)
  CODE_SIZE: 128

model: |
  encoder = EncoderConv2d(SHAPE, code_size=CODE_SIZE, channels=(16, 24, 32), kernel_size=3)
  decoder = DecoderConv2d(SHAPE, code_size=CODE_SIZE, channels=(32, 24, 16), kernel_size=3)
      encoder = VariationalEncoder(
          encoder, CODE_SIZE, CODE_SIZE
      decoder = decoder,
      reconstruction_loss = "l1",
      reconstruction_loss_weight = 1.,
      kl_loss_weight = 1.,

Note that the MNIST and FMNIST images are 28x28 pixels and the RPG dataset is resized (via BILINEAR filter) to the same resolution.

training results

So, the RPG datasets seems to be equally easy/complicated like MNIST and FMNIST is pretty hard in comparison. Doing the same for 32x32 pixels (where the other two datasets are resized):

training results

Huh? Very different results. MNIST easiest, FMNIST middle, RPG hardest.

Take care of the choice of interpolation!

After some testing it seems that the interpolation mode during resizing has a strong influence. So i ran the above experiment on different resolutions (res) and with interpolation mode BILINEAR (aa = True) and NEAREST (aa = False) and two different learning rates (lr):

(using file experiments/vae/compare-datasets.yml)

dataset aa res lr validation loss (1,000,000 steps) meter
mnist False 20 0.0003 0.0274497 *******
fmnist False 20 0.0003 0.0482327 ******************
rpg False 20 0.0003 0.052915 ********************
mnist 28 0.0003 0.0351929 ***********
fmnist 28 0.0003 0.0534702 *********************
rpg False 28 0.0003 0.0514313 *******************
mnist False 32 0.0003 0.0333494 **********
fmnist False 32 0.0003 0.0495315 ******************
rpg 32 0.0003 0.0532157 ********************
mnist True 20 0.0003 0.0193185 **
fmnist True 20 0.0003 0.0337913 **********
rpg True 20 0.0003 0.0337807 **********
mnist 28 0.0003 0.0357742 ***********
fmnist 28 0.0003 0.0528828 ********************
rpg True 28 0.0003 0.0369611 ************
mnist True 32 0.0003 0.0246818 *****
fmnist True 32 0.0003 0.0380947 ************
rpg 32 0.0003 0.0533928 ********************
mnist False 20 0.001 0.0221466 ****
fmnist False 20 0.001 0.0421959 ***************
rpg False 20 0.001 0.0454093 ****************
mnist 28 0.001 0.0326754 *********
fmnist 28 0.001 0.0491466 ******************
rpg False 28 0.001 0.0472919 *****************
mnist False 32 0.001 0.0300777 ********
fmnist False 32 0.001 0.0459637 *****************
rpg 32 0.001 0.0485321 ******************
mnist True 20 0.001 0.0157305 *
fmnist True 20 0.001 0.0278209 *******
rpg True 20 0.001 0.0281536 *******
mnist 28 0.001 0.0321101 *********
fmnist 28 0.001 0.0492271 ******************
rpg True 28 0.001 0.0349186 ***********
mnist True 32 0.001 0.0221171 ****
fmnist True 32 0.001 0.0357977 ***********
rpg 32 0.001 0.0489479 ******************

(No entry in aa means that there was no resizing necessary)

It confirms the strong correlation of the dataset difficulty and the interpolation method. It gave me some headache in the beginning but looking at resized examples makes it understandable:

Original MNIST image (28x28) resized to 32x32 without and with bilinear filtering
Original FMNIST image (28x28) resized to 32x32 without and with bilinear filtering
Original RPG image (32x32) resized to 28x28 without and with bilinear filtering

The bilinear filter blurs out a lot of the single pixel details and makes the images "easier" to auto-encode. Ignoring the aa = True runs in the table above we can see that the RPG dataset is, in comparison, equally "hard" when down-scaled to the FMNIST size and a little harder when FMNIST is up-scaled (because some pixels are just repeated).

Side note: Many of the images in RPG are originally 16x16 but there is a good percentage of images that were 32x32 or larger. All of them have been resized to 32x32 without interpolation.

For comparison, below is a run on a dataset of 60,000 noise images (mean=0.5, std=0.5, clamped to range [0, 1]), +10,000 for validation (green).

loss plots