<< nn-experiments

Reproducing "Connectionist-Symbolic Machine Intelligence using Cellular Automata based Reservoir-Hyperdimensional Computing"

by Ozgur Yilmaz, arxiv.org/abs/1503.00851

So, maybe i miss-read something but one experiment is supposed to input a few binary values then run it few hundred iterations and feed a batch of the last CA states to a ridge linear readout to recover the inputs. It's supposed to show that the CA can hold values over a longer period and is therefore suitable as a computing reservoir.

Initially i thought it interesting but then i realized that a lot of CA rules would satisfy this without much computing going on. Imagine a rule that simply copies the alive cell in the middle and all input bits are placed with a little distance to each other. Then the readout actually get's the unmodified input as source to recover the input, which isn't a proof of anything.

So i probably misunderstood something. Anyways, i ran the following setup to test the idea a bit:

The dataset consist of the 9-bit binary representations of numbers 0 - 511. 100 samples are randomly selected and moved to the validation set.

A single fixed random mapping of the input values to the CA state space is used to spread the values across a 200 cell wide input state such that no input is closer than 5 cells to another input. The edges of the state are toroid, e.g. they wrap around. Initial state is zero, except the input bits.

All 256 possible rules in the classic wolfram binary-state 3-neighbourhood CA are run for 500 iterations and the last 200 iterations are fed to the sklearn.linear_model.Ridge readout. The training-set is used to train the readout.

When simply querying for the reproduction of the input values, in fact 169 rules have zero training error and 145 even generalize to have zero validation error. (csv)

5-bit xor

Next the readout was trained to produce the xor of the first and last 5 bits of a 10-bit number. These sets have 924 and 100 samples for train and test.

Here are the top-50 rules:

(mae is mean absolute error, csv)

rule correct_train mae_train correct_test mae_test
153 924 0.000018 100 0.000153
60 924 0.000018 100 0.000153
195 924 0.000018 100 0.000153
102 924 0.000018 100 0.000153
150 924 0.000027 100 0.032076
105 924 0.000027 100 0.032076
146 924 0.000045 81 0.155052
18 924 0.000045 81 0.155052
161 924 0.000046 25 0.407795
129 924 0.000046 25 0.407795
126 924 0.000046 25 0.407795
149 924 0.000052 2 0.510267
86 924 0.000052 2 0.510204
135 924 0.000052 2 0.502302
30 924 0.000052 2 0.501841
89 924 0.000052 2 0.498935
45 924 0.000052 1 0.497252
101 924 0.000052 3 0.507690
75 924 0.000052 2 0.501961
22 924 0.000060 7 0.484349
182 924 0.000064 64 0.298419
124 924 0.000137 5 0.440620
193 924 0.000137 5 0.441169
110 920 0.001217 13 0.425420
137 920 0.001217 13 0.426449
109 835 0.025168 18 0.317240
73 818 0.033937 17 0.357383
147 653 0.114803 14 0.403177
54 653 0.114803 14 0.402360
169 471 0.195880 25 0.326195
225 417 0.222927 12 0.354916
210 390 0.211516 13 0.290926
82 390 0.211516 13 0.290926
181 390 0.211516 13 0.290991
26 366 0.220765 7 0.329513
154 366 0.220765 7 0.329513
167 366 0.220765 7 0.329575
122 327 0.197325 6 0.299221
218 175 0.352447 8 0.373356
90 160 0.297512 0 0.323019
165 160 0.297512 0 0.323019
57 115 0.395584 0 0.441891
230 113 0.415542 6 0.456920
188 99 0.414891 0 0.469630
99 96 0.407152 2 0.449875
145 87 0.434149 2 0.472446
158 87 0.450478 1 0.472240
118 86 0.435258 1 0.467948
214 86 0.443312 1 0.477272
62 84 0.435100 2 0.469588

Note that Steven Wolfram's favorite rule 30 is not able to generalize to the validation data. Only 6 rules generalize completely and 23 have zero training error.

8-bit square

Here, the 9-bit numbers are used again and the target values are 8-bit binary representations of the result of (n * n) mod 251. Only 50 samples are moved to the validation set so the training set has size 462. Can the CA reservoir generalize to calculate the square of a number?


rule correct_train mae_train correct_test mae_test
86 462 0.000050 0 0.496036
149 462 0.000050 0 0.496256
30 462 0.000050 0 0.487999
135 462 0.000050 0 0.487980
101 462 0.000050 0 0.481407
75 462 0.000050 2 0.480249
89 462 0.000051 0 0.487788
45 462 0.000051 0 0.488288
161 462 0.000054 1 0.490340
126 462 0.000054 1 0.490340
129 462 0.000054 1 0.490340
22 462 0.000063 1 0.490240
182 462 0.000113 0 0.479602
124 462 0.000125 0 0.486095
193 462 0.000125 0 0.486428
18 462 0.000155 0 0.510122
146 462 0.000155 0 0.510122
105 462 0.000372 0 0.658249
150 462 0.000372 0 0.658249
153 462 0.012338 1 2.193423
102 462 0.012338 1 2.193423
195 462 0.012338 1 2.193423
60 462 0.012338 1 2.193423
110 457 0.003107 0 0.493481
137 457 0.003107 0 0.493090
109 430 0.038524 0 0.530648
73 424 0.030511 0 0.514033
54 246 0.176413 0 0.523882
147 246 0.176414 0 0.523725
154 143 0.296260 0 0.581172
26 143 0.296260 0 0.581172
167 143 0.296260 0 0.581173
210 134 0.282733 0 0.550056
82 134 0.282733 0 0.550056
181 134 0.282733 0 0.550097
169 131 0.296666 0 0.581449
225 114 0.317405 0 0.528717
122 84 0.335783 1 0.501831
218 50 0.418594 0 0.496316
230 48 0.390327 1 0.495561
188 43 0.404201 0 0.501767
131 39 0.408533 1 0.499596
145 35 0.405773 0 0.502563
118 35 0.410958 0 0.502439
62 34 0.412358 0 0.504509
158 27 0.442094 0 0.502145
214 25 0.438685 0 0.491097
222 24 0.447798 0 0.494096
133 18 0.430502 0 0.500568
94 18 0.430502 0 0.500568

It seems, no. The top-most number of correct validation results is 2 among all 256 rules. Again, 23 rules have zero training error. At least.

The well-performing rules are identical in both experiments:

 18,  22,  30,  45,  60,  75,  86,  89, 101, 102, 105, 124, 
126, 129, 135, 146, 149, 150, 153, 161, 182, 193, 195

Shown as binary representation, which are the lookup values for the 3-neighbourhood (* marks rules that generalized perfectly in the xor experiment):

 18: [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
 22: [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
 30: [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
 45: [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]
 60: [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0] *
 75: [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
 86: [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
 89: [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]
101: [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
102: [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0] *
105: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0] *
124: [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
126: [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
129: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
135: [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
146: [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]
149: [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]
150: [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1] *
153: [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1] *
161: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]
182: [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]
193: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
195: [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1] *

the bits correspond to these neighbourhood states:

000 100 010 110 001 101 011 111

Below are plots of the state history (100 iterations, toroid 101-cell state) for these particular rules, starting from a single seed cell:

ca state history

more tests

Tried a couple of things :rofl:

Among them is feeding the input data sequentially to the CA state. For the following table, the input sequence is placed in the first state slice as above, then every seq_input_stride steps the input is inserted again to the running CA state. Either a copy of the first input slice or sequentially: every input bit one after another, at their respective fixed random positions.

Training objective was to reproduce the binary float representation of the input number (0 to 511). Only tried the 23 strong rules from above and iterations and output_steps where fixed after preliminary tests.

rule iterations output_steps wrap seq_input seq_input_stride readout_var correct_train mae_train correct_test mae_test
105 200 100 False none 0 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
105 200 100 False sequential 1 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
105 200 100 False repeat 7 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
105 200 100 False sequential 7 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
150 200 100 False repeat 1 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
150 200 100 False sequential 1 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
105 200 100 False repeat 1 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
150 200 100 False repeat 3 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
105 200 100 False repeat 3 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
150 200 100 False repeat 7 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
150 200 100 False sequential 7 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
150 200 100 False none 0 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
150 200 100 False sequential 3 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
105 200 100 False sequential 3 0.000482 412 0.000057 96 0.032667
105 200 100 True sequential 3 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
18 200 100 False repeat 3 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
150 200 100 True sequential 1 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
150 200 100 True repeat 1 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
150 200 100 True sequential 3 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
146 200 100 False none 0 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
150 200 100 True sequential 7 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
18 200 100 False none 0 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
105 200 100 True repeat 3 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
146 200 100 False repeat 1 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
150 200 100 True repeat 3 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
105 200 100 True repeat 1 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
105 200 100 True sequential 7 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
105 200 100 True sequential 1 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
18 200 100 False sequential 3 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
146 200 100 False repeat 3 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
18 200 100 False repeat 1 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
105 200 100 True repeat 7 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
18 200 100 False sequential 1 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
146 200 100 False sequential 1 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
146 200 100 False sequential 3 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
18 200 100 False repeat 7 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
105 200 100 True none 0 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
150 200 100 True none 0 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
18 200 100 False sequential 7 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
146 200 100 False sequential 7 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
150 200 100 True repeat 7 0.000511 412 0.000058 91 0.043323
146 200 100 False repeat 7 0.000642 412 0.000077 91 0.033158
60 200 100 True sequential 1 0.000764 412 0.016511 90 0.040892
102 200 100 True sequential 1 0.000764 412 0.016511 90 0.040892
102 200 100 True none 0 0.000764 412 0.016511 90 0.040892
153 200 100 True repeat 3 0.000764 412 0.016511 90 0.040892
153 200 100 True repeat 7 0.000764 412 0.016511 90 0.040892
195 200 100 True repeat 7 0.000764 412 0.016511 90 0.040892
102 200 100 True sequential 3 0.000764 412 0.016511 90 0.040892
60 200 100 True sequential 3 0.000764 412 0.016511 90 0.040892

(readout_var is the variance of the linear readout matrix)

It can generalize to a high degree in this task. Although all the sequential-input-or-not and even the different rules do not change the numbers too much. For the square of number experiment above this setup still does not get better than 6 correct validation samples out of 100.

Mhh, so what about higher order CAs? If we allow 3 states instead of 2, the 1D replacement CA suddenly has astonishing 3^3^3, or 3^27 possible rules. A do-nothing python loop through that number already takes 300 hours:

for r in tqdm(range(7_625_597_484_987)):

0%|                  | 567,067,242/7,625,597,484,987 [01:24<314:10:54, 6,741,520.98it/s]