<< nn-experiments

Reservoir computing

Reproducing "Handwritten Digit Recognition by Spin Waves in a Skyrmion Reservoir"

by Mu-Kun Lee, Masahito Mochizuki arxiv:2309.06815

It's an interesting paper. I try to reproduce the digital part of it: classifying the MNIST dataset via linear readout of an "Echo State Network".

Here are some generic tests for the "echo state". The used Reservoir model is defined in src/models/reservoir/reservoir.py.

The MNIST dataset is cropped and rearranged like in the paper with: 660 train and 330 test images for each class, image size 22x16.

The reservoir has 16 inputs which receive 22 image rows in consecutive order. The resulting state map of 22 x num_cells is fed to a sklearn.linear_model.Ridge with default parameters and fitted to the image's class logits (10 numbers, all zero except one).

Baseline without reservoir

Feeding the raw 22x16 images to the Ridge gives

dataset error l1 accuracy
train 0.136 0.880
test 0.149 0.824

Reservoir(num_inputs=16, num_cells=100)

Each setup was run 5 times and the average is reported. Table is sorted by test_accuracy. Full runtime was 5min.

id train_error_l1 train_accuracy test_error_l1 test_accuracy
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0913619 0.973182 0.11267 0.916545
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0909993 0.972818 0.111962 0.916242
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0904363 0.973939 0.11214 0.915212
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0909891 0.972758 0.11204 0.91503
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0910437 0.973909 0.113129 0.914909
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0908132 0.974606 0.112472 0.914545
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0814378 0.991667 0.120942 0.914303
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0905591 0.974 0.112425 0.91303
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0913657 0.973849 0.113769 0.912182
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0919869 0.971667 0.114358 0.912121
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0924256 0.972212 0.114403 0.911091
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0946606 0.968242 0.115533 0.910667
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0919614 0.973818 0.115689 0.91
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0912574 0.97403 0.114051 0.91
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0915149 0.975667 0.115996 0.909939
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0927401 0.972394 0.115492 0.909879
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0922088 0.974364 0.11642 0.909758
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0931417 0.970242 0.114565 0.909636
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0932079 0.973879 0.115654 0.909515
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0935655 0.968909 0.114576 0.909455
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0846361 0.989879 0.122181 0.909333
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0927946 0.974849 0.118656 0.90897
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0927865 0.972212 0.115058 0.90897
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0941282 0.967879 0.115 0.908364
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.092112 0.973545 0.115005 0.908303
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0947395 0.968333 0.115974 0.908182
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0936448 0.969576 0.114822 0.908061
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0908134 0.975818 0.115763 0.907939
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.092655 0.973727 0.115907 0.907879
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0845372 0.991212 0.125265 0.90697
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0940639 0.970545 0.115203 0.90697
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.10626 0.94497 0.117461 0.906606
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.104187 0.948212 0.116084 0.906303
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0857813 0.990576 0.126475 0.906
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0837917 0.991788 0.126254 0.905939
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0939976 0.972545 0.118332 0.905818
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.105004 0.947333 0.116669 0.905576
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.105035 0.947303 0.116582 0.905394
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0938446 0.973758 0.11896 0.904667
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.106686 0.944121 0.118094 0.903818
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0954133 0.966333 0.116633 0.903758
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0966389 0.965939 0.117036 0.902667
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.108358 0.942576 0.119501 0.902
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0967201 0.965636 0.117628 0.901697
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.090546 0.979364 0.120988 0.901636
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0849166 0.992273 0.128532 0.901394
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0912182 0.978303 0.120617 0.901273
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0898494 0.981849 0.1218 0.901273
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0859504 0.991727 0.130171 0.900303
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.107953 0.943212 0.11899 0.900121
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.090948 0.980667 0.122263 0.899576
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.097375 0.964212 0.1184 0.899515
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0928208 0.974939 0.120598 0.898727
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.108945 0.941 0.120246 0.898545
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0912399 0.977788 0.119822 0.898485
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.109638 0.940121 0.120644 0.898303
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0862176 0.990606 0.128655 0.898
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0875074 0.98997 0.131127 0.897758
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.109694 0.940364 0.120842 0.897455
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0906575 0.982242 0.124433 0.897333
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.109821 0.940667 0.12124 0.897333
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0918953 0.981636 0.12488 0.896788
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0939872 0.972364 0.121576 0.896424
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0875117 0.990727 0.132388 0.896303
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0848733 0.993061 0.133139 0.895758
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.111193 0.938879 0.122395 0.895515
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0938623 0.973394 0.121762 0.895455
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0881148 0.990091 0.131537 0.895455
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0890663 0.989909 0.132775 0.894182
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0876476 0.99203 0.133196 0.893333
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0990152 0.96297 0.120357 0.893333
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0910776 0.989242 0.13638 0.892909
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.100388 0.960121 0.121514 0.892121
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0928298 0.980818 0.125962 0.892
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0874595 0.992848 0.137025 0.890485
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0955993 0.971727 0.123394 0.890303
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0913394 0.989364 0.136211 0.887758
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0913921 0.990273 0.138816 0.886061
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0911414 0.990061 0.138808 0.885515
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0894512 0.991909 0.140217 0.885515
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0899039 0.990394 0.136814 0.885333
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0914824 0.990152 0.138184 0.884909
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0935883 0.988333 0.140191 0.884061
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0917636 0.989333 0.137269 0.883091
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0908111 0.992121 0.141601 0.882242
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0937087 0.988091 0.140329 0.881818
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0918961 0.98903 0.139636 0.879333
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0934811 0.990758 0.141498 0.879273
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0933614 0.99097 0.145027 0.876606
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0934049 0.991212 0.144974 0.876545
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0950379 0.990455 0.147789 0.868727
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0965934 0.989727 0.149038 0.867333
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0960845 0.989455 0.14909 0.865091
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.096801 0.990152 0.1499 0.864667
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0985903 0.988909 0.151953 0.861394
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.098347 0.989182 0.151612 0.86103

Reservoir(num_inputs=16, num_cells=1000)

Repeat everything with 1000 reservoir cells. Full runtime 67min.

id train_error_l1 train_accuracy test_error_l1 test_accuracy
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0381668 0.999879 0.0982787 0.952424
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.037041 0.999879 0.0999229 0.949273
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0387771 0.999848 0.0995846 0.948485
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0475672 0.999485 0.0975823 0.947758
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.038247 0.999909 0.101271 0.947697
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0473766 0.999667 0.0989504 0.946303
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.035789 0.99997 0.10656 0.945152
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0366382 0.999939 0.103881 0.944667
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0346061 0.999939 0.106813 0.944545
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0337909 1 0.107468 0.943818
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0342324 0.99997 0.108108 0.943333
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.068811 0.991818 0.0938989 0.94
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0687783 0.992424 0.0948929 0.939636
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0325047 1 0.114238 0.939455
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.068365 0.992091 0.0950397 0.938667
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0355591 0.999879 0.110459 0.938667
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0678975 0.993515 0.0964695 0.937515
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.067665 0.993424 0.0955492 0.937394
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0320317 1 0.11756 0.936545
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0331773 1 0.113007 0.936364
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0695632 0.991212 0.0943548 0.936121
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0711534 0.989394 0.0946351 0.935879
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0705772 0.990121 0.0945419 0.935636
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0328507 1 0.113785 0.935636
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0334346 1 0.114923 0.935394
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0676327 0.994485 0.0973725 0.935333
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0327532 1 0.11662 0.934061
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0733776 0.987424 0.0963458 0.933333
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.031549 1 0.11696 0.931879
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0220503 1 0.121302 0.931879
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.074468 0.986848 0.0969672 0.931697
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0318906 1 0.117717 0.93
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.00118011 1 0.131636 0.929697
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.00137585 1 0.134411 0.92897
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0289397 1 0.124778 0.927333
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0304781 1 0.121512 0.927273
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0301155 1 0.127572 0.927152
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0203429 1 0.124832 0.926909
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0306263 1 0.120241 0.926485
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0310583 1 0.128808 0.924606
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.029312 1 0.125112 0.924242
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0305194 1 0.128429 0.923939
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0810556 0.982091 0.103256 0.923636
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0303334 1 0.127283 0.923394
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.000661131 1 0.139365 0.921697
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0270765 1 0.129459 0.920849
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.1 0.0278414 1 0.12763 0.920424
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.1 0.0282247 1 0.127867 0.92
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.000572814 1 0.14156 0.919212
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.00054803 1 0.142264 0.918667
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0304561 1 0.136521 0.918485
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.000173226 1 0.135079 0.918424
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0286785 1 0.136517 0.918
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.000610946 1 0.139934 0.917697
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0296537 1 0.136146 0.915939
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.0283219 1 0.138181 0.915212
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.000447909 1 0.145044 0.914606
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.5 0.000464348 1 0.145163 0.914606
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000651396 1 0.145794 0.914485
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0175031 1 0.138835 0.914364
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000837996 1 0.145143 0.914
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.000457013 1 0.145044 0.913091
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.000502271 1 0.143849 0.912849
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.000475301 1 0.144441 0.912788
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.000444623 1 0.145215 0.912606
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0147044 1 0.143055 0.911879
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000675669 1 0.148757 0.911394
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000550349 1 0.150015 0.910545
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000584363 1 0.148396 0.910424
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.000457479 1 0.146638 0.909818
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000553626 1 0.151664 0.907515
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.000110608 1 0.143074 0.906848
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.5 0.0258364 1 0.14669 0.906667
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000650342 1 0.150516 0.906606
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000544296 1 0.152909 0.906545
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.0297879 1 0.142981 0.906061
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.00050405 1 0.153376 0.903939
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0151607 1 0.151264 0.902788
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.00010102 1 0.144658 0.901636
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000494046 1 0.154521 0.901515
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 9.95549e-05 1 0.144931 0.900606
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=(0.1, 0.9) 0.000508447 1 0.1539 0.900061
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=0.5 leak_rate=0.9 9.21872e-05 1 0.146038 0.895636
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.1 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 8.88148e-05 1 0.146944 0.894424
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 8.50776e-05 1 0.147753 0.893818
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 8.35833e-05 1 0.148437 0.892909
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 8.17226e-05 1 0.14951 0.891879
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 8.39818e-05 1 0.148282 0.891515
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0140698 1 0.15804 0.891515
activation=tanh rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 8.32554e-05 1 0.148759 0.890364
activation=tanh rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 8.46541e-05 1 0.150103 0.887697
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.011545 1 0.175481 0.869879
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.012171 1 0.177401 0.864
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=0.5 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.0107752 1 0.185805 0.852849
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=1.5 leak_rate=0.9 0.0106771 1 0.186955 0.848667
activation=sigmoid rec_prob=1.0 rec_std=2.0 leak_rate=0.9 0.00964606 1 0.194721 0.835576