<< nn-experiments

Solving the "Very Selective Copying" problem with a Very Small Language Model

This is a very numeric continuation of a previous experiment. To get a grip on the details, please check "Selective Copying" first.

Basically, it's a synthetic question-answer dataset that requires some "computational" skill. See, if you can find out the rule by yourself:

NA: 2>1: AN   
DQ: -1: Q    
ULHP: 3>4, 2>1: LUPH 
YNP: 3>1, -3, 2>1: NP   
EJACQ: 1>2, -1, +3: EAJCQ
YESBR: 3>5, 5>1, 1>5, 3>4: YEBRS
UXMP: -2, -3, 1>2, +2: MPU  

Spoiler: First few letters are the program input, the numbers and operators are the program and answer, after the second colon, is the result of the program.

I argue, that this dataset

Preliminary tests

Just to get a feeling for the dataset, i took the best model from the "Selective Copying" experiment with a few parameter variations and ran it on questions that have an input length of 2 to 5 items and 1 to 5 operations:

error curves

Training now takes 4 million steps, and could even be a bit longer. But generally, the loss curves seem to converge at about there.

nitem len nops l ch ks dil validation loss validation_mask_error% model params train time (minutes) throughput
26 2,5 1,5 6 64 9 1,2,3,4,5,1 0.0525558 17.5876 237,952 15.30 4,358/s
26 2,5 1,5 6 128 9 1,2,3,4,5,1 0.0365154 11.8352 918,272 10.76 6,195/s
26 2,5 1,5 12 64 9 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,1,1 0.0076271 2.0063 459,520 27.05 2,464/s
26 2,5 1,5 18 64 9 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,1,1,1 0.0028902 0.7583 681,088 39.80 1,675/s
26 2,5 1,5 12 128 9 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,1,1 0.0028549 0.7205 1,803,776 18.81 3,543/s

I'm using dilation all the time, because 1.) it's required for the receptive field of the 6-layer network and 2.) because it runs faster. For the 12 and 18-layer networks i just expanded the dilation settings without much thinking about it. (Actually i did think quite a bit about it but decided to evaluate good 12 or 18-layer dilation settings another time)

Here are examples from the validation set from the worst and the best performing network:

6-layer/32-chan: validation mask error 17.6%

validation example output

It is noticeable that long programs seem to be the problem for this network.

12-layer/128-chan: validation mask error 0.7%

validation example output

Wow! Everything correct, even the long ones!

Number of operations versus number of layers

The above example is a bit messy because it has a variable number of operations and we don't know how many answers are fully correct, only how many characters. So first, we add a new evaluation metric validation_sample_error%. While the mask error gives the percentage of wrong characters within the mask area, the sample error gives the percentage of wrong answers, even if only one character is wrong.

Further, to better evaluate the relationship between number of operations (length of the "program") and the number of layers in the network, i set a fixed number of operations.

I also dropped the stack operations (+/-) for now and made it all a bit tighter because i'm not interested in the influence of the receptive field in this experiment. Example data with 5 operations looks like this:

NPFKT:5>4 3>1 1>4 4>2 1>3:NFTPK
UKLRM:5>1 4>2 1>4 2>4 3>2:KLMRU
LCEWI:3>5 3>2 4>2 3>1 3>5:CWEIL
LRUPX:1>4 3>2 5>4 1>3 2>1:URPXL
UQJOR:5>4 2>5 5>4 4>3 2>5:URQJO
BYGMJ:5>4 4>3 2>3 5>2 5>3:BMJGY
PBNFM:3>5 5>1 1>3 2>3 5>3:MNPFB
TNEOL:1>3 4>1 4>1 4>3 5>3:ENLTO
ALEVT:1>2 2>1 2>1 4>2 4>3:LVAET
UIZNQ:3>4 2>3 5>3 4>1 1>5:INQUZ

Running the networks on 2, 3, 4 and 5 operations per question:


error curves


error curves


error curves

And here is it all together in a table. The dilation settings are left out for readability. They are 1,2,3,4,5,1 for the 6-layer, 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,1 for the 12-layer and 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1 for the 18-layer network.

nitem len nops l ch ks validation loss validation_mask_error% validation_sample_error% model params train time (minutes) throughput
26 5 5 6 64 9 0.23663 71.9705 99.9104 237,952 58.04 1,145/s
26 5 5 12 64 9 0.208893 63.6883 99.4327 459,520 40.0 1,660/s
26 5 5 18 64 9 0.163338 50.2667 98.547 681,088 99.0 670/s
26 5 4 6 64 9 0.185987 48.7739 98.5967 237,952 15.1 4,413/s
26 5 4 12 64 9 0.0415355 8.8953 37.8682 459,520 26.03 2,561/s
26 5 3 6 64 9 0.00458625 0.559315 2.75677 237,952 7.32 9,109/s
26 5 4 18 64 9 0.000329348 0.0378185 0.189092 681,088 37.13 1,795/s
26 5 3 18 64 9 1.86865e-06 0 0 681,088 5.07 13,139/s
26 5 3 12 64 9 3.1804e-06 0 0 459,520 11.5 5,796/s
26 5 2 18 64 9 4.39884e-07 0 0 681,088 15.3 4,357/s
26 5 2 6 64 9 5.3105e-07 0 0 237,952 7.15 9,319/s
26 5 2 12 64 9 1.0319e-06 0 0 459,520 11.3 5,900/s

Something is obviously very strange. None of the networks can handle 5 operations. But some of them just did in the last experiment??

What i really like about this neural net research is that one often gets along with intuition only. We simply don't know enough until all tests are made, which probably never happens. However, in this case, i would argue that a 5 operations sequence is just too long for the network to learn the task in reasonable time. Put yourself into the eyes of the model. The training algorithm constantly tells you:

If you see this: PHMTW:5>3 2>3 5>4 5>3 1>3:????? you should output that: PHMTW:5>3 2>3 5>4 5>3 1>3:TWPMH

on and on ... for millions of examples. Now, for a human, maybe a programmer even, this should be solvable pretty quick. Once you have seen 10 examples, you can be sure what the algorithm is. But for a neural network trained with stochastic gradient descend it is basically a brute-force approach. It's like: Hey network, you gotta lot of parameters, that's fine, now if you see this X, and you should output that Y, there is a chance that inreasing this one parameter while decreasing that other one would help you to output the correct answer, the next time you see the same question. And on and on...

Once again, reasoning from intuition, the network can probably learn the task much easier when it has some easier examples in the dataset. Schools and such also don't teach children algebra by starting with: What is the answer to 7 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 6 = ??

Following, the training set contains questions with 2 to 5 operations, e.g.:

RMYTC:2>1 4>5 4>2:MCYRT
DNAHL:1>3 3>4 1>2 4>1 3>2:DHANL
DTFKS:4>5 3>2 4>5 5>1:SFTKD
UXGJN:4>2 1>2 1>4 3>1 3>2:GXUJN

and the validation set still holds the same 5-operations-only questions for which all networks have failed previously.

Here's the loss and error curves of the 18-layer network trained with 5 and 2-5 operations:

error curves

The bright one is the brighter one. Indeed, the 18-layer gets down to 2.5% sample error. It is able to solve the task (to a degree), it could just not learn it from the previous dataset. One could argue, though, that it would eventually learn the task just from the 5-operations examples but it would probably take 10 to 100 times more computation / CO2-emissions / floodings / draughts / you-name-it.

nitem len nops val-nops l ch ks validation loss validation_mask_error% validation_sample_error% model params train time (minutes) throughput
26 5 2,5 5 6 64 9 0.208661 60.0816 99.5123 237,952 16.55 4,027/s
26 5 2,5 5 12 64 9 0.0322987 6.74761 27.3885 459,520 27.59 2,416/s
26 5 2,5 5 18 64 9 0.00329394 0.565287 2.5577 681,088 41.25 1,615/s

We can see from the table, that the 12 and especially the 6-layer networks are struggling. Looking at the plots of the 6-layer networks trained with 5 and 2-5 operations, we can see that the mask error decreases by a good amount but actual sample error stays roughly the same. It learned to put some letters at the right place but still fails for almost every validation sample:

error curves

The curves suggest, however, that training has not yet converged. There are sure a few more per-mille to squeeze out.

This is a good point of origin for further experimentation. Can we get the 6-layer network to solve the 5-operations Very Selective Copying problem,

In other words, is there a trick, maybe to pass data around in a different way, that strongly increases the computational performance?

Quick comparison with Mamba and LSTM

Just for another set of baselines, i tried the state-spaces/Mamba (yet the slow version because the fast doesn't run on my system) and the all-beloved LSTM (the pytorch implementation).

error curves

The yellow/brownish is the 6-layers model from above, green is Mamba and blue the LSTM. All of them have 6 layers

nitem len nops val-nops l model validation loss validation_mask_error% validation_sample_error% model params train time (minutes) throughput
26 5 2,5 5 6 LSTM hidden_size=64 0.264829 79.9602 100 216,064 6.72 9,926/s
26 5 2,5 5 6 Conv1d channels=64 (from above) 0.208661 60.0816 99.5123 237,952 16.55 4,027/s
26 5 2,5 5 6 MAMBA d_model=32 d_state=16 0.199433 55.8081 99.1839 67,936 126.56 526/s

Back to the residual CNN. To find some interesting method, quick, i switched to 3 operations and 3-layer networks. The above condition holds as well. The 3-layer network is not able to solve the 3-operations task in the validation set, but it only takes about 2 minutes to find out:

error curves

The validation sample error stays roughly at 100%.

I tried a couple of things, like adding cross-residual connections, e.g. from layer 1 to layer 3, which did not noticeably improve performance. Also tried learnable weights, so that each layer can use as input a weighted mix of all previous layers. Was not much help either, also not for the 6-layer networks.

Attention, please!

UPDATE: After revision of the used experiment files, i just painfully realized that some of the below findings are wrong. In short, i forgot to put the QKV and the attention activation variables to the network constructor and as such, the tables comparing these values show something completely different. There is obviously so much deviation between similar runs, that the results fooled me to make conclusions about best parameters, although there was nothing to compare...

I'm leaving the manuscript below as it is, as a reminder how stupid the search for explanations was, without a scientific basis. However, the corrections are linked at the appropriate places.

Eventually i remembered that, in an age-old lecture by Geoff Hinton, he argued that for this particular case he showed, the network can not succeed without a cell-wise multiplication somewhere. Then there is this relatively recent Schlag, Irie & Schmidhuber paper (2102.11174) "Linear Transformers Are Secretly Fast Weight Programmers", which states: Fast Weight Programmers (FWPs, 1991) program their fast weight memories through sequences of outer products between self-invented key and value patterns. I just like the self-invented notion.

To make it short, i plugged a torch.nn.MultiheadAttention module into the last layer, such that the 1d-convolution, which normally outputs 64 channels, now outputs 128 channels, which are split into 64 query and 64 key channels and the attention-values are the input of the layer. The pseudo-code looks like:

qk = Conv1d(64, 128)(inp)
q, k = split(qk, 64)
outp = attention(q=q, k=k, v=inp)

Not shown is, that q, k and v (which are each of shape [B, C, L]) are transposed before the attention to move the channels (C) to the last dimension ([B, L, C]), and make it a channel-wise attention.

The pytorch MultiheadAttention has a predefined fixed length, because it adds bias and a couple of other learnable parameters, so it has to be used channel-wise, since we don't want to fix the sequence length that the network processes.

But wait, the Fast Weight Programmers-paper, said self-invented keys and values not self-invented keys and queries. So, for completeness, let's test all the combinations

self-invented keys and values

kv = Conv1d(64, 128)(inp)
k, v = split(kv, 64)
outp = attention(q=inp, k=k, v=v)

self-invented queries and values

qv = Conv1d(64, 128)(inp)
q, v = split(qv, 64)
outp = attention(q=q, k=inp, v=v)

self-invented queries, keys and values

qkv = Conv1d(64, 192)(inp)
q, k, v = split(qkv, 64)
outp = attention(q=q, k=k, v=v)

Unfortunately, the validation sample error varies quite a lot for each run of the same network:

different error curves in 5 trials of the same network

So i'm doing 5 runs each and report the average. That's 80 runs for this messy plot and the table below!

many different error curves

Each run has the same validation set but different training sets and initial network weights. (reproduce with convtext-qa-program-3ops-attn-invent.yml @ 613064ad)

UPDATE: Please check the correction!

qkv attn validation loss validation_mask_error% validation_sample_error% validation_sample_error% (std) model params train time (minutes) throughput
0,0,0 0.316488 64.9682 99.5322 176,320 2.24 7,434/s
QK 0,0,1 0.323012 63.3965 99.4765 0.8504 246,272 1.77 9,437/s
QKV 0,0,1 0.287839 56.5426 93.1568 14.4636 246,272 1.86 8,950/s
KV 0,0,1 0.219660 41.3674 86.0450 16.6931 246,272 1.88 8,884/s
QV 0,0,1 0.197362 38.2166 75.5036 29.8328 246,272 2.1 7,963/s
QV 0,0,4 0.151719 29.0418 61.0768 47.2315 246,272 1.93 8,661/s
QK 0,0,4 0.048829 8.2794 32.6791 32.2507 246,272 1.93 8,653/s
QKV 0,0,4 0.051348 8.4331 31.2838 42.0001 246,272 1.88 8,863/s
KV 0,0,4 0.048607 8.0497 30.4976 36.3580 246,272 1.87 8,905/s
QK 0,0,8 0.050850 8.9243 25.5235 40.7858 246,272 1.9 8,771/s
QV 0,0,8 0.034589 6.0991 18.8754 38.8027 246,272 1.96 8,490/s
QKV 0,0,8 0.024016 3.6755 15.4618 27.0721 246,272 1.92 8,698/s
KV 0,0,8 0.002678 0.2691 1.3395 1.0593 246,272 2.03 8,228/s
QV 0,0,True 0.002325 0.2683 1.2997 0.5423 229,632 1.77 9,449/s
KV 0,0,True 0.002089 0.2316 1.1504 0.4276 229,632 1.67 9,973/s
QKV 0,0,True 0.001974 0.2157 1.0648 0.3161 229,632 1.84 9,104/s
QK 0,0,True 0.001686 0.1755 0.8638 0.4294 229,632 1.62 10,301/s


Admittedly, there is something about this so-called Attention that works pretty well. Thinking in terms of the receptive field, these two dot-products in the attention formula bring every point in the sequence in contact with every other point, in a way that makes some sense. How exactly it makes sense, i can not tell. That's why i run these tests.

Compare attention activation function

The above activation function in the self-built attention module, elu(x) + 1, is suggested by the authors (2006.16236), mainly because it needs to be >= 0 and the elu gives a smooth gradient (unlike relu).

The Fast Weight Programmers-paper (2102.11174) suggests to replace this function with a more sparsity & orthogonality - aimed Deterministic Parameter-Free Projection (DPFP). Comparing the two activations for the 3-operators, 3-layers, 1-million-steps setup, averaged over 5 runs each, gives:

UPDATE: Check the correction!

qkv attn attnact validation loss validation_mask_error% validation_sample_error% validation_sample_error% (std) model params train time (minutes) throughput
QK 0,0,True dpfp 0.00149588 0.164013 0.79816 0.538314 229,632 1.56 10,723/s
QK 0,0,True elu+1 0.00110781 0.091162 0.44785 0.211001 229,632 1.52 10,981/s

Well, there is certainly a more powerful activation to be found for this particular task..

Compare position of self-attention in 3-layers network

Placing the best (most consistent) attention method from above into all the layers:

qkv attn validation loss validation_mask_error% validation_sample_error% validation_sample_error% (std) model params train time (minutes) throughput
QK T,0,0 0.292424 54.8229 99.1043 0.0962 229,632 2.88 5,788/s
QK T,T,0 0.196146 39.6819 95.0159 0.6247 282,944 2.93 5,681/s
QK T,T,T 0.088230 17.0322 57.3487 29.2807 336,256 2.02 8,247/s
QK 0,T,0 0.053625 8.9275 38.6146 8.3909 229,632 2.77 6,011/s
QK 0,0,T 0.001912 0.2161 1.0648 0.5693 229,632 1.54 10,827/s
QK 0,T,T 0.001125 0.1361 0.6926 1.2740 282,944 1.80 9,275/s
QK T,0,T 0.000185 0.0079 0.0437 0.0341 282,944 1.71 9,744/s

Well, how can we explain that? It's very unfortunate that there is no obvious rule popping out, where to put the attention layers, except that there should be one in the final layer.

Or do you instantly know how to setup a 5-layer network for the 5-operations task, now?

Compare position of self-attention in 5-layers network

For efficiency, keep the above dataset (and the 1 million steps of training), and use a 5-layer network with dilation=[2, 3, 4, 5, 1] to try all the attention-permutations.

qkv attn validation loss validation_mask_error% validation_sample_error% model params train time (minutes) throughput
QK 0,0,0,0,0 0.226301 50.4797 98.7162 282,944 2.92 5,705/s
QK T,T,T,T,T 0.168785 32.6393 91.9686 549,504 2.88 5,783/s
QK T,0,0,0,0 0.160457 29.9224 87.0521 336,256 3.16 5,276/s
QK T,T,T,T,0 0.143025 25.5971 83.1111 496,192 3.67 4,545/s
QK T,T,T,0,0 0.131017 23.9471 80.4638 442,880 3.47 4,804/s
QK T,T,0,0,0 0.119354 22.0004 75.7564 389,568 3.3 5,053/s
QK T,0,0,T,0 0.103017 18.4912 69.4068 389,568 3.38 4,927/s
QK T,T,0,T,0 0.0981063 17.9598 66.9984 442,880 3.49 4,769/s
QK T,0,T,0,0 0.0658464 11.9805 50.3881 389,568 3.36 4,956/s
QK T,0,T,T,T 0.0689705 12.0979 49.4128 496,192 2.63 6,327/s
QK T,T,T,0,T 0.0544455 9.24164 40.2170 496,192 2.63 6,334/s
QK 0,T,0,0,0 0.0165344 2.36266 11.2162 336,256 3.17 5,251/s
QK T,0,T,T,0 0.0127326 1.93471 9.40486 442,880 3.57 4,674/s
QK 0,T,T,T,T 0.00333168 0.427946 2.15963 496,192 2.56 6,512/s
QK 0,T,0,T,0 0.00353792 0.376194 1.88097 389,568 3.36 4,957/s
QK 0,T,T,0,0 0.00345656 0.350318 1.75159 389,568 3.42 4,866/s
QK T,T,0,T,T 0.00226949 0.248806 1.29379 496,192 2.59 6,447/s
QK 0,0,T,0,0 0.00188953 0.181131 0.915605 336,256 3.24 5,138/s
QK 0,T,T,T,0 0.00184384 0.173169 0.885748 442,880 3.53 4,723/s
QK 0,0,T,T,0 0.00132653 0.095541 0.477707 389,568 3.23 5,153/s
QK T,0,0,T,T 0.000828459 0.083598 0.417994 442,880 2.43 6,846/s
QK 0,T,0,T,T 0.000377713 0.035828 0.189092 442,880 2.46 6,767/s
QK 0,0,0,T,0 0.000290391 0.0199045 0.0995223 336,256 3.11 5,354/s
QK 0,0,T,T,T 0.000282769 0.0199045 0.0995223 442,880 2.51 6,644/s
QK T,T,0,0,T 0.000122952 0.0159236 0.0796178 442,880 2.41 6,913/s
QK 0,0,T,0,T 0.000144108 0.0119427 0.0696656 389,568 2.31 7,203/s
QK T,0,T,0,T 0.000167425 0.00796178 0.0398089 442,880 2.5 6,664/s
QK 0,0,0,0,T 6.164e-05 0.00398089 0.0199045 336,256 2.04 8,179/s
QK 0,T,0,0,T 6.42146e-05 0.00398089 0.0199045 389,568 2.26 7,376/s
QK 0,T,T,0,T 0.00010805 0.00398089 0.0199045 442,880 2.5 6,675/s
QK T,0,0,0,T 0.000154807 0.00398089 0.0199045 389,568 2.33 7,141/s
QK 0,0,0,T,T 2.67664e-05 0 0.00995223 389,568 2.24 7,453/s

Okay okay, there is some slight pattern for arrangement of the self-attention modules emerging.

Now pick the best ones and train and test against 5-operations questions (at 4 million training steps):

qkv attn validation loss validation_mask_error% validation_sample_error% model params train time (minutes) throughput
QK T,0,T,0,T 0.107469 29.7174 87.2711 442,880 10.17 6,553/s
QK 0,T,T,0,T 0.0795734 21.7874 74.3432 442,880 10.03 6,648/s
QK T,0,0,0,T 0.0692764 18.6744 68.2524 389,568 9.57 6,965/s
QK 0,T,0,0,T 0.0635093 16.5983 61.6939 389,568 9.63 6,926/s
QK 0,0,T,0,T 0.0525193 14.9960 58.0812 389,568 9.37 7,117/s
QK 0,0,0,0,T 0.0072723 1.72572 8.1110 336,256 8.09 8,245/s

It's still not completely sufficient. Let's switch back to 6-layer networks, again copying the best attention-settings, although, there is only one performing okay-ish, the others are worse than 50% error.


qkv attn validation loss validation_mask_error% validation_sample_error% model params train time (minutes) throughput
QK T,0,0,0,0,T 0.0529652 14.0844 54.9562 442,880 10.39 6,419/s
QK 0,T,0,0,0,T 0.0196075 4.79498 21.666 442,880 14.6 4,566/s
QK 0,0,0,T,0,T 0.0143111 3.58081 16.5705 442,880 14.5 4,599/s
QK 0,0,T,0,0,T 0.0136107 3.27826 15.2767 442,880 14.49 4,601/s
QK 0,0,0,0,T,T 0.00143896 0.254777 1.27389 442,880 14.59 4,569/s
QK 0,0,0,0,0,T 6.6917e-05 0.00995223 0.0597134 389,568 13.82 4,823/s

Well, i'm a bit tired of this topic right now.

Let's wrap the findings up, quickly:

A little graphical disorder at the end of the day:

error curves